Short Film

Short Film Animation

A Terra a Gastar (Wasting Earth)

A Terra a Gastar


"The Earth was on its own.
And then Man came along to add to it.
Consumption of the Man. Man on the Earth.
Wasting Earth."


This short animation film was made for a college conclusion project, with the main theme trilled to create a entertained way to show the consequences of our individual excessive consumption in our world.

Lyrics: Cassia Mary Itamoto and Celina Kurihara
Musical Arrangement: Alberto Yuji Watabe

The soundtrack of the short animation "A Terra a Gastar" ("Wasting Earth") is a parody of a Brazilian folksong "A velha a fiar", from the first Brazilian videoclip (1964), which has the same name, composed by Aldo Taranto, interpreted by "Trio Irakitã", directed by Humberto Mauro.

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Under Construction


Under Construction


Under Construction


This is my first DemoReel. Here you can see some 2D Animation, Sketches and Painted drawings.